dilluns, 8 de juny del 2015

A great invention

Many people have used the newspapers to know all the facts that have happened over the years in the whole world. Later, the first public televison system was invented by John Logie Baird.
Eventually, in 1948, the cable TV was invented by John Walson, the owner of a mechanism shop. Finally, digital TV was invented but it hasn't an inventor. I mean, it was the result of many efforts of many people so it hasn't and inventor. 
The television was invented to make people's life easier. If you have a television, you only have to put pressure on a little button in a remote control to know what has happened over the day.
Nowadays the TV is used to see what is happening every day at many countries and places and it's really important for the society.

dissabte, 24 de gener del 2015

My memorable experience

I have had a great surprise for my birthday.That experience happened to me, on 1st February, at my uncle's house. On 1st February is my birthday so my father organized me a surprise party. In fact, I was having a horrible week at school. I had a lot of homework and I was really stressed. On Friday was my birthday and the only thing I wanted in that moment was leaving the school and going home. My father drove me to my uncle's house but I didn't know why. When we arrived we went to my uncle's kitchen and we greeted them. My aunt told me that she needed matches so I went to the living room to gave them to her. When I switched on the light my friends jumped and shouted: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I was so excited and grateful and it's a memory I'll never forget.